




已完結 / / 愛情片 /中國大陸 / 2021


大學軍訓里一場意外,讓乖乖女周舟(王可如 飾)和學渣混混邱飛(劉冬沁 飾),彼此相遇。從英雄救美到勇敢表白,張揚的邱飛就這樣走進周舟的心。當兩人沉醉熱戀時,已收斂張揚個性的邱飛,卻卷入一場斗毆事件,他似乎在隱藏什么秘密?被迫退學的邱飛,在周舟痛苦的挽留下轉身離去,只有他知道自己所做一切都是為了保護這個心愛的女孩。十多年后的周舟終于知道了真相,面對青春最痛的錯過,她還能找回這段愛情嗎……


  • 紅海令我欲淚 6.0 紅海令我欲淚
    2023 愛情
    簡介:  A German woman goes to the town on the Red Sea where her Arab lover has just died. Beyond a simple story of mourning, the invention of an eerie port town by this young Jordanian filmmaker has Durassian echoes: the death of both a man and a city. The odyssey concludes in a hotel bar, backed by a popular Middle Eastern song.
  • 畫皮:情滅 7.0 畫皮:情滅
    2024 愛情
  • 殺妻總動員 2.0 殺妻總動員
    2004 愛情
    簡介:  一個男人(淺野忠信飾)因無法忍受妻子(橋本麗香飾),處心積慮將其“殺害”后拋于荒野,可是每次回到家后,妻子都像沒事人一樣待著?! 〈呙邘煟ò⒉繉堬棧┖虲M廣告設計師洋子(小泉今日子飾)是一對戀人,洋子的設計靈感常常前衛(wèi)得讓人難以理解,雖然常常被男友打趣,她還是走自己的路?! 〈呙邘熢谝淮喂_表演時,從觀眾中挑選中年上班族小林(岸部一徳飾)為催眠對象,成功地使其認為自己是鳥,不料高潮時刻,突然跑出一名殺手(Vinnie Jones飾),解咒的催眠師被殺,小林從此活在潛意識里?! ∩咸斓陌才牛瑢⒃緹o甚關聯(lián)的人和事串在了一起……
  • 周二俱樂部 9.0 周二俱樂部
    2022 愛情
    簡介:  Marie Richardson leads the star ensemble in a heart-warming homage to all mothers, reminding us that it’s never too late for a fresh start in life.  All the old friends are invited to Karin (Richardson) and Sten’s (Bj?rn Kjellman) celebration of their 40th wedding anniversary. But after a dirty text message and some failed acrobatic stunts on the balcony, the idyll has both cracked and ended up in the emergency room. Karin is forced to straighten out her back and realizes that she has spent her life taking care of her family without getting as much as a thank you. Together with her friends from the swimming pool, she finds new vitality at a weekly cooking class, where Peter Stormare’s star chef opens up for exciting new taste sensations. Tuesday Club is a well-acted and inspiring paean to struggling women, mature passion, and Asian cuisine.
  • 隔墻 有情人 8.0 隔墻 有情人
    隔墻 有情人
    2024 愛情
  • 天臺的月光 1.0 天臺的月光
    1993 愛情
    簡介:葉曉彤(葉玉卿 飾)是一名收銀員,她的丈夫阿波拋棄了她離家出走,天真單純的葉曉彤又誤入騙局,正在孤立無援之際, 是住在同一棟大樓的警察劉正文(梁家輝 飾)向她伸出了援手。在劉正文的幫助下,葉曉彤得到了一份汽車推銷員的工作,然而葉曉彤對汽車一無所知,于是劉正文從零開始一點一滴的教導她,在此過程中,兩人之間碰撞出了愛情的火花。


  • 當前沒有評論,趕緊搶個沙發(fā)!